Searching for files and text

You can perform a file search as well as a text search in Neuron Power Engineer. The search results are displayed in the Search view.

Content of this article:

In this article:

Neuron Power Engineer provides the following possibilities as alternative to this file and text search:

File search

How to search for certain files within your Neuron Power Engineer →projects:

  1. In menu Search, select Search... or File...

  2. In the dialog, tab File Search: Enter the search parameter for the file search:

    • Leave the field under Containing text empty. (If you enter text in this field, a text search is performed.)

    • Under File name patterns, enter the file name (or parts of it; wildcards are possible). Or click  , if you want to repeat or modify one of the previous file searches.
      Alternative, if searching for file types: Click Choose... and select the requested file types.

    • Choose the scope where Neuron Power Engineer should search. Examples: Workspace (if scope should be all opened projects) or Enclosing projects (if scope should be projects enclosing the previously selected →resources).

  3. In the dialog, click Search.
    Result: The matches are listed in Search view. You can navigate to the matches from this view.

Text search

How to search for certain strings within your Neuron Power Engineer projects:

  1. In menu Search, select Search... or File...

  2. In the dialog, tab File Search: Enter the search parameter for the text search:

    • Under Containing text, enter the string (or parts of it; wildcards are possible). Or click  , if you want to to repeat or modify one of the previous text searches.

    • If requested, check one of these options:

      • Case sensitive if you want the text search to be case sensitive

      • Regular expression if you want the string to be a regular expression (Regular expressions provide more powerful search possibilities. Press Ctrl+Blank within the text field and you get a list with the possibilities.) 

      • Whole word if you want to search for whole words that are identical to the string

    • If you want to restrict the text search to certain files, enter the file name (or parts of it; wildcards are possible) under File name patterns.

    • Choose the scope where Neuron Power Engineer should search. Examples: Workspace (if scope should be all opened projects) or Enclosing projects (if scope should be projects enclosing the previously selected resources).

  3. In the dialog, click Search.
    Result: The matches are listed in Search view. You can navigate to the matches from this view.
    Alternative: If you want to replace the matches, click Replace... (instead of Search). In the subsequent dialog, enter a replacement term and click OK (Search view is listing the matches in the meantime). If you want to check the matches in details before replacing them, it is possible to replace the matches from within the view.

How to quickly check whether a certain, already existing text is used in other locations:

  1. Position the cursor into the text (e.g. within an →editor) or select the text.

  2. In menu Search, select Text and one of the provided subitems, e.g. Workspace (if scope should be all opened projects), Project (if scope should be the project enclosing the resource with the text) or File (if scope should be the current resource).
    Result: The matches are listed in Search view. You can navigate to the matches from this view.

Possible wildcards for search



Possible for


any string (any set of characters), including an empty string
Example: *.iecst finds all ST-objects (in case of file search).

file search, text search 


any character (but exactly one)
Example: Motor? finds Motor1, Motor2 etc. (in case of text search).

file search, text search 


excludes the following string
Example: !*.iecst excludes the ST-objects from the file search. 

file search


escape character for the following characters: *, ?, \Example: (\* finds the string (*.

text search